I cannot speak for the US education system, since I live in Europe (Germany). Further, what I write in this comment is only my opinion and view on this educational topic. Maybe I am biased? Maybe my view is ignorant? Please share your thoughts on my statement.
When (high-technology) companies with a strong market influence and market dominance encourage me to do something, I become very skeptical. University is more than „just education“. It enables one to become a critical thinker. It enables one to develop a character with well differentiated views (in politics, socio-economics, etc.). Of course, it is not an exclusive academic „thing“, but becoming e.g., a scientist means, to become completely independent. The purpose of universities is not to satisfy the needs of the market or employers. The University is an intellectual place to develop ideas in any direction, not only IT, but science (physics, maths, medicine), culture, art, and so on.
If one wants to start working immediately after high school, we have in Germany something called „Ausbildung“ (training, qualification, I do not know how to directly translate this). During this „Ausbildung“ you work in a company and get a qualification for certain tasks. This takes a few years before you become a certified employee or expert in a particular field. This is of course regulated by the government to ensure a certain degree of quality.
As a young person leaving school, one does not have a „fully developed character“. Of course, learning and development is a life-time progress, but I think as a smart young person, companies can influence one severely („work for us, it’s heaven, we provide x-y-z benefits blabla“) … also in a very negative way, if not regulated.
One can become easily a dependent, uncritically thinking coder, sitting in a Golden cage … that is still a cage.